Operational program "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014 – 2020

South West, Sofia and South Central, Plovdiv. Euro Perspectives Foundation & University of Food Technologies

For Bulgaria the food chain sectors are of high importance and provide social and economic benefits on regional and national level. The sustainability of the sectors depends on the competitiveness of the companies in the food chain and requires innovation in all stages and aspects of the agri-food chain. FoodChains 4 EU project focuses on innovation that contributes to the environmental sustainability of the food chain while contributing to social sustainability through increased access to high quality food.

The purpose of the Regional Action Plan is to provide a framework of implementation toward achieving project objectives. The core activity of the Regional Action Plan aims to increase the food chain SMEs innovation activities in the Policy Instrument selected - OPIC 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis1: Technological development and Innovation, which is a major instrument implementing direct actions in the field of creating the necessary innovation environment and infrastructure for development of innovation; stimulating R&D activities and innovation in and for enterprises, incl. through cooperation between enterprises or between enterprises and research institutes and universities.  

Strengthening the infrastructure for delivery of services for improved R&D and innovation implementation in food chain companies will overcome the barriers to carry out adequate innovation activities, including:

  • lack of time of the business owners and entrepreneurs;
  • low innovation awareness due to a lack of information on emerging technologies, services, materials, and new consumer solutions;
  • problems in creating adequate production and distribution networks, and in entering retail spaces;
  • lack of qualified personnel and others.